Hail Storm 2019

Posted by Kauffmans Fruit Farm on 30th Jul 2019

Hail Storm 2019


A good share of Lancaster County experienced a devastating storm on May 28 and KAUFFMAN’S orchards were not spared. Hail, driven by a strong wind, fell for about ten minutes – plenty, plenty to permanently mar many, many (most?) of the tiny fruitlets on our trees. Ken Kauffman, former long-time orchard manager, says that he has never seen such hail damage in his career (he’s 71 years old!)

We’re trying to salvage what we can by offering storm-damaged peaches at low, low prices while realizing that we will have only a fraction of the top-quality fruit available for which our business has been known for over 100 years. HOPEFULLY NEXT YEAR WILL BE (MUCH!) BETTER.

The wonderful thing is that though the fruit looks less than perfect on the outside, nothing has changed on the inside. KAUFFMAN’S peaches are just as delicious, and just as nutritious, as ever you experienced in years gone by!

Christ Beiler, great-grandfather of the current KAUFFMAN’S FRUIT FARM owners, used to often say, “We’re blessed people in a blest land.” Even with repercussions from the Storm of 2019.