100 Years and Growing

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Underwhelmed by supermarket produce? There's a reason.

It's not uncommon to be disappointed with the flavor of produce available at large chain supermarkets. Many times, this produce is grown and picked for optimal shelf life and appearance while pest management shortcuts are taken that only further the dependence on pesticide use. In the end, flavor and nutritional density are sacrificed. What if you could buy your fruit directly from an orchard where soil, plant, and ecosystem health were considered the foundation of flavor and pest resistance, where simply taking a bite of fruit is a memorable experience.

Orchard Updates:


Harvesting this week: Smokehouse, Macintosh  



Harvesting this week: Harrow Sweet, Asian pears

All of our pears were grown 100% naturally this year!   


U-pick & Corn Maze

Open Friday and Saturday from 10-4, weather permitting.  Apples, pears, and pumpkins will be available to pick.  See our U-Pick page for pricing, or call the infoline (717-768-0050).  

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